# This is Thoth's configuration file placed in a root of a repo
# (named as .thoth.yaml) used by Thamos CLI as well as by Thoth bots. Please
# adjust values listed below as desired.
# A remote Thoth service to talk to:
host: khemenu.thoth-station.ninja
# Configure TLS verification for communication with remote Thoth instance:
tls_verify: true
# Format of requirements file, supported are "pip" and "pipenv":
requirements_format: {requirements_format}
# A path to overlays directory relative to this configuration file. If null provided, no overlays are used.
# Read more about overlays in the README: https://github.com/thoth-station/thamos#overlays-directory
overlays_dir: null
# Allow or disable managing virtual environment for each overlay.
virtualenv: false
- name: '{runtime_environment_name}'
# Operating system for which the recommendations should be created:
name: {os_name}
version: '{os_version}'
# Labels to be used during the resolution (key-value pairs).
# Hardware information for the recommendation engine:
# {cpu_model_name}
cpu_family: {cpu_family}
cpu_model: {cpu_model}
gpu_model: null
# Software configuration of runtime environment:
python_version: '{python_version}'
cuda_version: {cuda_version}
# Recommendation type - one of:
# * testing
# * stable
# * latest
# * performance
# * security
# See https://thoth-station.ninja/recommendation-types/
recommendation_type: latest
# Platform used for running the application - corresponds to sysconfig.get_platform() call (e.g. 'linux-x86_64')
platform: {platform}
# Additional options:
openblas_version: null
openmpi_version: null
cudnn_version: null
mkl_version: null
# Base container image used to run the application.
base_image: {base_image}
# Configuration of bots:
- name: pipfile-requirements
- name: info
- name: version
# A list of maintainers (GitHub or GitLab accounts) of this repository:
maintainers: []
# A list of assignees to which the opened pull requests and issues should
# be assigned to:
assignees: []
# Labels for issues and pull requests:
- bot
# Automatically maintain a changelog file stating features of new
# releases:
changelog_file: true
# Use AI/ML to group messages in a smart way.
changelog_smart: true
- name: update
labels: [bot]