Justifications by the recommendation engine

When the recommendation engine produces advises, it also provides comments on why the given recommendation was produced. These snippets are called “justifications” and are a textual form to justify actions taken by the recommendation engine.

Some of the justifications that can be produced by the recommendation engine are available at thoth-station.ninja/justifications. These are documents linked from the pipeline units present in the pipeline configuration during the software stack resolution. Some of the justifications can be produced directly by the resolver or predictor.

Creating justification documents

If you wish to create a justification, follow already existing template available in thoth-station.github.io repo and fill in missing parts.

Name the file name in a SEO friendly way and keep it short so that the URL generated is as short as possible.

Linking justification documents from adviser

To create a justification, you can use get_justification_link from thoth-common module. A common idiom is:

from thoth.common import get_justification_link as jl

link = jl("my_justification")

The my_justification part directly corresponds to the name of the Markdown file with justification as placed in the _j/ directory (without the .md suffix). The linked justification will be named my_justification.md and will be placed in thoth-station.github.io/_j. The justification document is automatically built on push to master and the justification is automatically available in the justification listing.