Source code for thoth.solver.python.instrument

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# thoth-solver
# Copyright(C) 2019 - 2021 Fridolin Pokorny
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

"""Functions which are executed inside virtual environment.

These functions are used to gather characteristics about installed packages which are analyzed.

All the functions are executed in a virtualenv - they should print information to stdout, if any error occurs
they should print error messages to stderr and call sys.exit with non-zero value. All necessary functions should
be either from standard virtualenv packages or from standard library to remove any dependency inference.

import inspect
import sys
import shlex
import logging

from thoth.analyzer import run_command

from .._typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING

if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Callable, Union, List

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _find_distribution_name(package_name):  # type: (str) -> None
    """Find the given distribution based on package name and print out distribution's project name.

    For example, `backports-weakref' has distribution's project nmae `backports.weakref'. This is also
    applicable to all namespace'd packages - we need to find the actual name. based on distribution discovery.
    import sys
    import pkg_resources
    from pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name

    for path in sys.path:
        for distribution in pkg_resources.find_distributions(path):
            if canonicalize_name(distribution.project_name) == canonicalize_name(package_name):
                print(distribution.project_name, end="")

    print("No matching distribution found for ", package_name, file=sys.stderr, end="")

def _get_importlib_metadata_metadata(package_name):  # type: (str) -> None
    """Retrieve all the metadata for the given package."""
    import sys
        import importlib_metadata
    except ImportError:
        import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata  # type: ignore
    import json

    result = dict(importlib_metadata.metadata(package_name).items())  # type: ignore

    # As metadata are encoded as email.message, it's not possible to implicitly expose information about which keys
    # keep multiple values and which are single-value. Let's explicitly maintain a list for metadata keys that
    # are arrays:
    keys = frozenset(
    for key in keys:
        value = importlib_metadata.metadata(package_name).get_all(key)
        if value:
            # Override the previous one (single value) with array.
            result[key] = value


def _get_importlib_metadata_version(package_name):  # type: (str) -> None
    """Retrieve version based on the given package."""
    import sys
        import importlib_metadata
    except ImportError:
        import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata  # type: ignore

    print(importlib_metadata.version(package_name), end="")  # type: ignore

def _get_importlib_metadata_requires(package_name):  # type: (str) -> None
    """Retrieve requires based on the given package."""
    import sys
        import importlib_metadata
    except ImportError:
        import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata  # type: ignore
    import json

    print(json.dumps(importlib_metadata.requires(package_name)))  # type: ignore

def _get_importlib_metadata_entry_points(package_name):  # type: (str) -> None
    """Retrieve information about entry-points for the given package."""
    import sys
        import importlib_metadata
    except ImportError:
        import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata  # type: ignore
    import json

    entry_points = importlib_metadata.distribution(package_name).entry_points  # type: ignore
    print(json.dumps([{"name":, "value": ep.value, "group":} for ep in entry_points]))

def _get_importlib_metadata_files(package_name):  # type: (str) -> None
    """Retrieve information about files present for the given package."""
    import sys
        import importlib_metadata
    except ImportError:
        import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata  # type: ignore
    import json

                {"hash": f.hash.__dict__ if f.hash else None, "size": f.size, "path": str(f)}
                for f in importlib_metadata.files(package_name)  # type: ignore

def _get_import_path():  # type: () -> None
    """Get import path configured for the given Python interpreter."""
    import json
    import sys

    json.dump({"path": sys.path}, sys.stdout)

[docs]def execute_env_function( python_bin, # type: str function, # type: Union[Callable[[Any], None], Callable[[], None]] *, env=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] raise_on_error=True, # type: bool is_json=False, # type: bool **function_arguments, # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any], List[str]]] """Execute the given function in Python interpreter.""" kwargs = "" for argument, value in function_arguments.items(): if kwargs: kwargs += "," kwargs += argument + '="' + value + '"' function_source = inspect.getsource(function) cmd = python_bin + " -c " + (shlex.quote(function_source + "\n\n" + function.__name__ + "(" + kwargs + ")")) _LOGGER.debug("Executing the following command in Python interpreter (env: %r): %r", env, cmd) res = run_command(cmd, env=env, is_json=is_json, raise_on_error=False) _LOGGER.debug("stderr during command execution: %s", res.stderr) if raise_on_error and res.return_code != 0: raise ValueError("Failed to successfully execute function in Python interpreter: {}".format(res.stderr)) _LOGGER.debug("stdout during command execution: %s", res.stdout) if res.return_code == 0: stdout = res.stdout # type: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]] return stdout _LOGGER.error("Failed to successfully execute function in Python interpreter: %r", res.stderr) return None
[docs]def get_package_metadata(python_bin, package_name): # type: (str, str) -> Dict[str, Any] """Get metadata information from the installed package.""" # A simple trick when running importlib_metadata - importlib_metadata is present as # a dependency of this package, but it is not installed in the created virtual environment. # Inject the current path to the created environment. Note however, the path configured in # the virtual environment needs to take precedence. # # The reversed list is used to make tests happy as pytest-venv injects the current path at the # beginning. This *SHOULD NOT* affect how solver behaves when run as a data aggregation task in # the cluster. venv_path = [ f for f in reversed(execute_env_function(python_bin, _get_import_path, is_json=True)["path"]) # type: ignore if f and f not in sys.path ] return { "metadata": execute_env_function( python_bin, _get_importlib_metadata_metadata, env={"PYTHONPATH": ":".join(venv_path + sys.path)}, is_json=True, package_name=package_name, ), "requires": execute_env_function( python_bin, _get_importlib_metadata_requires, env={"PYTHONPATH": ":".join(venv_path + sys.path)}, is_json=True, package_name=package_name, ), "entry_points": execute_env_function( python_bin, _get_importlib_metadata_entry_points, env={"PYTHONPATH": ":".join(venv_path + sys.path)}, is_json=True, package_name=package_name, ), "files": execute_env_function( python_bin, _get_importlib_metadata_files, env={"PYTHONPATH": ":".join(venv_path + sys.path)}, is_json=True, package_name=package_name, ), "version": execute_env_function( python_bin, _get_importlib_metadata_version, env={"PYTHONPATH": ":".join(venv_path + sys.path)}, is_json=False, package_name=package_name, ), }
[docs]def find_distribution_name(python_bin, package_name): # type: (str, str) -> str """Find distribution name based on the package name.""" result = str(execute_env_function(python_bin, _find_distribution_name, package_name=package_name)) return result