Source code for thoth.common.logging

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# thoth-common
# Copyright(C) 2018, 2019, 2020 Fridolin Pokorny
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

"""Logging configuration for whole Thoth."""

import os
import sys
import logging
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional
from typing import List
from typing import Dict
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Any

from jsonformatter import JsonFormatter
from sentry_sdk import init as sentry_sdk_init
from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import ignore_logger
import daiquiri
import daiquiri.formatter

_SENTRY_DSN = os.getenv("SENTRY_DSN")
_IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        ("name", "name"),
        # ("levelno", "levelno"),
        ("levelname", "levelname"),
        # ("pathname", "pathname"),
        # ("filename", "filename"),
        ("module", "module"),
        ("lineno", "lineno"),
        ("funcname", "funcName"),
        ("created", "created"),
        ("asctime", "asctime"),
        ("msecs", "msecs"),
        ("relative_created", "relativeCreated"),
        # ("thread", "thread"),
        # ("thread_name", "threadName"),
        ("process", "process"),
        ("message", "message"),

def _init_log_levels(
    logging_env_var_start: str, logging_configuration: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
) -> None:
    """Initialize log level based on configuration or env variables."""
    env_logging_conf = {
        key: val
        for key, val in os.environ.items()
        if key.startswith(logging_env_var_start)

    for logger, level in env_logging_conf.items():
        logger = "thoth." + logger[len(logging_env_var_start) :].lower().replace(
            "__", "."
        level = getattr(logging, level)

    if logging_configuration is not None:
        for logger, level in logging_configuration.items():
            level = getattr(logging, level)

def _logging_adjust() -> None:
    """Adjust configuration of loggers available based on environment variables.

    This configuration is not specific to thoth modules. Even thought this configuration
    is a superset of Thoth's logging configuration, the Thoth's one was left untouched
    as a lot of source depends on it.

    The format of environment variable THOTH_ADJUST_LOGGING is a comma separated list where
    each entry is made out of a logger name and a corresponding log-level ("DEBUG", "INFO",
    "WARNING", "ERROR" as for standard Python's logging). These two are delimited by a colon:

    adjustment = os.getenv(_LOGGING_ADJUSTMENT_CONF)
    if not adjustment:

    for item in adjustment.split(","):
        entry = item.rsplit(":", maxsplit=1)
        if len(entry) != 2:
                "Skipping adjustment of logging for entry %r: invalid configuration entry provided",

        logger, level = entry
        level_obj = getattr(logging, level, None)
        if level_obj is None:
                "Skipping adjustment for entry %r: invalid log-level %r specified",

        _LOGGER.debug("Setting log-level %r for logger %r", level, logger)

def _get_sentry_integrations() -> List[object]:
    """Get integrations for Sentry based on installed packages."""
    integrations = []  # type: List[Any]
        import flask  # noqa
    except ImportError:
            from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration
        except ImportError as exc:
            _LOGGER.warning("Cannot import Sentry Flask integration: %s", str(exc))

            _LOGGER.debug("Flask integration for Sentry enabled")

        import sqlalchemy  # noqa
    except ImportError:
            from sentry_sdk.integrations.sqlalchemy import SqlalchemyIntegration
        except ImportError as exc:
            _LOGGER.warning("Cannot import Sentry SQLAlchemy integration: %s", str(exc))
            _LOGGER.debug("SQLAlchemy integration for Sentry enabled")

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
        # Available only for python 3.7+
            import aiohttp  # noqa
        except ImportError:
                from sentry_sdk.integrations.aiohttp import AioHttpIntegration
            except ImportError as exc:
                    "Cannot import Sentry AIOHTTP integration: %s", str(exc)
                _LOGGER.debug("AIOHTTP integration for Sentry enabled")

    return integrations

[docs]def before_send_handler( event: Dict[str, Any], hint: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Filter the errors caught before sending to Sentry. This function ignores the exceptions passed in as a environment variable in a comma separated manner. """ if len(_IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS) == 0: return event if "exc_info" in hint: exc_type, exc_value, tb = hint["exc_info"] for exception in _IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS: module, name = exception if module == getattr(exc_type, "__module__") and name == exc_type.__name__: return None elif "log_record" in hint: log_record = hint["log_record"].name for exception in _IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS: exp_signature = ".".join(exception) if exp_signature == log_record["name"]: return None return event
[docs]def init_logging( logging_configuration: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, logging_env_var_start: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize Thoth's logging - respects all namespaces. This function allows you to control logging facilities in Thoth. Logging can be configured via env variables so that deployment can respect your configuration. The structure of environment variables is THOTH_LOG_(MODULE) and the value of env variable states verbosity level as in the logging module (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR). >>> import os >>> os.environ['THOTH_LOG_SOLVER'] > WARNING You can also specify more closely which sub-module logging you are configuring - submodules are separated with double dash: >>> os.environ['THOTH_LOG_SOLVER__PYTHON'] > DEBUG You can also use arguments explicitly that override configuration in env variables (a shorthand for standard logging functionality): >>> init_logging({'thoth.solver': 'DEBUG'}) Optionally you can specify prefix of the logging environment variable determining logging configuration via env vars (defaults to THOTH_LOG_). """ if not os.getenv("STI_SCRIPTS_PATH") or int(os.getenv("THOTH_LOGGING_NO_JSON", 0)): # Running outside the cluster or forced not to use structured logging. formatter = daiquiri.formatter.ColorFormatter( fmt="%(asctime)s %(process)3d %(color)s%(levelname)-8.8s %(name)s:" "%(lineno)d: %(message)s%(color_stop)s" ) # Always log in UTC to be consistent with team members all over the world. formatter.converter = time.gmtime daiquiri.setup( level=logging.INFO, outputs=(daiquiri.output.Stream(formatter=formatter),) ) else: # The most straightforward way for setting up all the loggers (werkzeug, flask, gunicorn) is to # discard their default configuration and force them to use JSON logger configured for the root logger. logging._acquireLock() # type: ignore for logger in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.values(): if not isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): continue if == "gunicorn.access": # We configure access log in gunicorn config file, see API deployment # configuration and file. continue logger.filters.clear() logger.handlers.clear() logger.propagate = True logging._releaseLock() # type: ignore handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = JsonFormatter(_JSON_LOGGING_FORMAT) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger().propagate = False root_logger = logging.getLogger("thoth.common") environment = os.getenv("SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT", os.getenv("THOTH_DEPLOYMENT_NAME")) # Disable annoying unverified HTTPS request warnings. try: import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() except ImportError: pass _init_log_levels( logging_env_var_start or _DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONF_START, logging_configuration ) _logging_adjust() ignored_loggers = os.getenv("THOTH_SENTRY_IGNORE_LOGGER") if ignored_loggers: for logger in ignored_loggers.split(","): # type: ignore ignore_logger(logger) ignored_exceptions = os.getenv("THOTH_SENTRY_IGNORE_EXCEPTION") if ignored_exceptions: exceptions_split = ignored_exceptions.split(",") for exception in exceptions_split: exception_parts = exception.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1) if len(exception_parts) == 2: exc_module, exc_name = exception_parts _IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS.append((exc_module, exc_name)) else: root_logger.error( "The following configuration for ignoring exception couldn't be parsed: %r ", exception, ) if _SENTRY_DSN: sentry_sdk_init_kwargs = {} try: import flask # noqa: F401 sentry_sdk_init_kwargs["traces_sample_rate"] = _SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE "Setting Sentry's traces sample rate to %f", _SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE ) except ImportError: pass try: integrations = _get_sentry_integrations() "Setting up logging to a Sentry instance %r, environment %r and integrations %r", _SENTRY_DSN.rsplit("@", maxsplit=1)[1], environment, [integration.__class__.__name__ for integration in integrations], ) sentry_sdk_init( _SENTRY_DSN, environment=environment, integrations=integrations, before_send=before_send_handler, **sentry_sdk_init_kwargs, ) except Exception: root_logger.exception( "Failed to initialize logging to Sentry instance, check configuration" ) raise if environment is None: root_logger.error( "No Sentry environment configured: it is recommended to provide Sentry environment " "to split reported exceptions based on different deployments when running in a cluster" ) else: root_logger.warning("Logging to a Sentry instance is turned off")