No ABI information was found for the given container image

The given runtime environment was not analyzed with respect to ABI symbols present in the containerized environment hence recommendations specific to ABI symbols cannot be done.

Issue description

Thoth analyzes container images to give better guidance with respect to ABI symbols needed for packages installed into it. As the container image was not analyzed by Thoth container image analysis, the recommendation engine cannot provide recommendations specific to ABI symbols present in containerized environments.

Affected packages

This warning message is not specific to any package.


Issue fix

Use another containerized runtime environment that is analyzed and available to give better guidenance and recommendations specific to the containerized environment.

If the containerized environment used is provided by Thoth team, please raise a support issue and let Thoth team know about the containerized environment required to run the application.

Pipeline units

Recommendation types

This warning message can be produced for any recommendation type:

See this document that describes recommendation types.