Last update of the CVE database of known Python package vulnerabilities

Information about the last update of CVE database of known Python package vulnerabilities.

Issue description

The message provides information about timestamp when the CVE database of known Python vulnerabilities was updated. The recommendation engine uses PyPA/advisory-db which gets periodically updated on the recommendation engine side. Thoth’s background data aggregation logic periodically fetches the database and provides additional guidance to users with respect to CVE. The timestamp might give you more information about freshness of the vulnerability data.

See What is CVE? for more information on the security and possible implications.

Affected packages

If the CVE database is not up to date, the security of all the used packages can be affected.


Issue fix

If you find the database not up to date, please report this issue to Thoth team.

Recommendation types

All the recommendation types can produce this informative or warning message:

See this document that describes recommendation types listed.