Source code for thoth.lab.inspection

# thoth-lab
# Copyright(C) 2018, 2019, 2020 Marek Cermak, Francesco Murdaca
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

"""Inspection results processing and analysis."""

import logging
import re
import os
import copy
import hashlib
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import cufflinks as cf
import plotly
import plotly.offline as py

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport as profile  # noqa N813
from prettyprinter import pformat

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Optional

from numpy import array
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

from pathlib import Path

from plotly import graph_objs as go
from plotly import figure_factory as ff
from plotly import tools
from plotly.offline import iplot
from IPython.display import display

from thoth.storages import InspectionResultsStore
from thoth.lab.utils import group_index
from .common import aggregate_thoth_results

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("thoth.lab.inspection")


# cufflinks should be in offline mode


    "elapsed": "stdout__@result__elapsed",
    "rate": "stdout__@result__rate",
    "utime": "usage__ru_utime",
    "stime": "usage__ru_stime",
    "nvcsw": "usage__ru_nvcsw",
    "nivcsw": "usage__ru_nivcsw",

_PERFORMANCE_QUANTITY = ["elapsed_time", "rate"]

_PERFORMANCE_QUANTITY_MAP = {"elapsed_time": "Elapsed Time [ms]", "rate": "Rate [GFLOPS]"}

[docs]def extract_structure_json(input_json: dict, upper_key: str, depth: int, json_structure): """Convert a json file structure into a list with rows showing tree depths, keys and values. :param input_json: inspection result json taken from Ceph :param upper_key: key starting point to recursively traverse all tree :param depth: depth in the tree :param json_structure: recurrent list to store results while traversing the tree """ depth += 1 for key in input_json.keys(): if type(input_json[key]) is dict: json_structure.append([depth, upper_key, key, [k for k in input_json[key].keys()]]) extract_structure_json(input_json[key], f"{upper_key}__{key}", depth, json_structure) else: json_structure.append([depth, upper_key, key, input_json[key]]) return json_structure
[docs]def extract_keys_from_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame, key: str): """Filter the specific dataframe created for a certain key, combination of keys or for a tree depth.""" if type(key) is str: available_keys = set(df["Current_key"].values) available_combined_keys = set(df["Upper_keys"].values) if key in available_keys: ndf = df[df["Current_key"].str.contains(f"^{key}$", regex=True)] elif key in available_combined_keys: ndf = df[df["Upper_keys"].str.contains(f"{key}$", regex=True)] else: _LOGGER.warning("The key is not in the json") ndf = "".join( [ f"The available keys are (WARNING: Some of the keys have no leafs):{available_keys} ", f"The available combined keys are: {available_combined_keys}", ] ) elif type(key) is int: max_depth = df["Tree_depth"].max() if key <= max_depth: ndf = df[df["Tree_depth"] == key] else: ndf = f"The maximum tree depth available is: {max_depth}" return ndf
[docs]def aggregate_inspection_results( limit_results: bool = False, max_ids: int = 5, is_local: bool = True, inspection_repo_path: Path = Path("performance"), ) -> list: """Aggregate inspection results from jsons stored in Ceph or locally from `performance` repo. :param limit_results: reduce the number of inspection reports ids considered to `max_ids` to test analysis :param max_ids: maximum number of inspection reports ids considered :param is_local: flag to retreive the dataset locally or from S3 (credentials are required) :param inspection_repo_path: required to retrieve the performance dataset locally and `is_local` is set to True """ inspection_reports = aggregate_thoth_results( limit_results=limit_results, max_ids=max_ids, is_local=is_local, repo_path=inspection_repo_path, store_name="inspection", is_inspection=True, ) return inspection_reports
[docs]def filter_inspection_ids(inspection_identifiers: List[str]) -> dict: """Filter inspection ids list according to the inspection identifier selected. :param inspection_identifiers: list of identifier/s to filter inspection ids """ inspection_store = InspectionResultsStore() inspection_store.connect() filtered_inspection_ids, reduced_inspection_batch_identifiers = filter_document_ids( inspection_store, inspection_identifiers=inspection_identifiers ) inspections_selected = sum([len(batch_n) for batch_n in filtered_inspection_ids.values()]) inspection_batches = [(batch_name, len(batch_count)) for batch_name, batch_count in filtered_inspection_ids.items()]"There are {inspections_selected} inspection runs selected: {inspection_batches} respectively") return filtered_inspection_ids, reduced_inspection_batch_identifiers
[docs]def show_inspection_inputs( filtered_inspection_ids: List[str], inspection_batch_ids: List[str], filtered_inspection_batch_ids: List[str] ): """Show inspections inputs for the analysis. :param filtered_inspection_ids: list of inspection ids after filtering :param inspection_batch_ids: list of inspection batch ids :param filtered_inspection_batch_ids: llist of inspection batch ids after filtering """ total_inspections = 0"insepction_batch_id | Number of inspections") for insepction_batch_id, inspections in filtered_inspection_ids.items():"{insepction_batch_id} | {len(inspections)}") total_inspections += len(inspections)"Initial inspection batches considered: {len(inspection_batch_ids)}")"Inspections batches after filtering: {len(filtered_inspection_batch_ids)}")"Total number of inspections considered: {total_inspections}")
[docs]def filter_document_ids(inspection_store, inspection_identifiers: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List]: """Filter inspection document ids list according to the inspection identifiers selected. :param inspection_identifiers: list of identifier/s to filter inspection ids """ inspection_document_ids = list(inspection_store.get_document_listing()) filtered_inspection_document_ids = {} for sid in inspection_document_ids: for i in inspection_identifiers: if i in sid: if i not in filtered_inspection_document_ids.keys(): filtered_inspection_document_ids[i] = [] filtered_inspection_document_ids[i].append(sid) else: filtered_inspection_document_ids[i].append(sid) reduced_inspection_batch_identifiers = [k for k in filtered_inspection_document_ids.keys()] return filtered_inspection_document_ids, reduced_inspection_batch_identifiers
[docs]def process_inspection_results( inspection_results: List[dict], exclude: Union[list, set] = None, apply: List[Tuple] = None, drop: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, duration_info: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Process inspection result into pd.DataFrame.""" if not inspection_results: return ValueError("Empty iterable provided.") datetime_spec = ("created|started_at|finished_at", pd.to_datetime) if apply is None: apply = [datetime_spec] else: apply = [*apply, datetime_spec] exclude = exclude or [] apply = apply or () df = pd.json_normalize(inspection_results, sep="__") # each row resembles InspectionResult if len(df) <= 1: return df for regex, func in apply: for col in df.filter(regex=regex).columns: df[col] = df[col].apply(func) if drop: keys = [k for k in inspection_results[0] if k not in exclude] for k in keys: if k in exclude: continue d = df.filter(regex=k) p = profile(d) rejected = p.get_rejected_variables() if verbose: print("Rejected columns: ", rejected.index) df.drop(rejected.index, axis=1, inplace=True) if duration_info: df = df.eval( "status__job__duration = status__job__finished_at - status__job__started_at", engine="python" ).eval("status__build__duration = status__build__finished_at - status__build__started_at", engine="python") return df
[docs]def aggregate_inspection_results_per_identifier( inspection_ids: List[str], identifier_inspection: List[str], inspection_batch_data: Dict[str, dict] ) -> dict: """Aggregate inspection results per identifier from inspection documents stored in Ceph. :param inspection_ids: list of inspection ids :param identifier_inspection: list of identifier/s to filter inspection ids :param inspection_batch_data: info to be added to each inspection (e.g. specification) """ inspection_store = InspectionResultsStore() inspection_store.connect() inspection_results_dict = {} number_inspection_ids = sum([len(r) for r in inspection_ids.values()]) current_identifier = 0 inspections_error_counter = 0 for identifier_batch in identifier_inspection: inspection_results_dict[identifier_batch] = []"Analyzing inspection identifer batch: %r", identifier_batch) for n, ids in enumerate(inspection_ids[identifier_batch]): current_identifier += 1"Analysis n.{current_identifier}/{number_inspection_ids}") if "Dockerfile" in ids:"Dockerfile") elif "specification" in ids:"specification") else: specification = extract_specification(inspection_batch_result=inspection_batch_data, inspection_id=ids) if specification: try: document = inspection_store.retrieve_document(ids) document["requirements"] = specification["requirements"] document["requirements_locked"] = specification["requirements_locked"] document["runtime_environment"] = specification["runtime_environment"] # pop build logs to save some memory (not necessary for now) document["build_log"] = None["datetime"]) inspection_results_dict[identifier_batch].append(document) except Exception as e: inspections_error_counter += 1 continue"Total number of inspections considered: %r" % number_inspection_ids)"Total number of inspections with error: %r" % inspections_error_counter) percentage_error = inspections_error_counter / number_inspection_ids * 100"Percentage of error in inspection results: %r" % percentage_error) return inspection_results_dict
[docs]def extract_specification(inspection_batch_result: Dict[str, Any], inspection_id: str): """Extract specification info for the inspection.""" for inspection_batches in inspection_batch_result.values(): for inspection_batch in inspection_batches.keys(): if inspection_batch in inspection_id: specification = inspection_batches[inspection_batch] return specification
[docs]def create_duration_dataframe(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute statistics and duration DataFrame.""" if len(inspection_df) <= 0: raise ValueError("Empty DataFrame provided") try: inspection_df.drop("build_log", axis=1, inplace=True) except KeyError: pass data = ( inspection_df.filter(like="duration") .rename(columns=lambda s: s.replace("status__", "").replace("__", "_")) .apply(lambda ts: pd.to_timedelta(ts).dt.total_seconds()) ) def compute_duration_stats(group): return ( group.eval("job_duration_mean = job_duration.mean()", engine="python") .eval("job_duration_upper_bound = job_duration + job_duration.std()", engine="python") .eval("job_duration_lower_bound = job_duration - job_duration.std()", engine="python") .eval("build_duration_mean = build_duration.mean()", engine="python") .eval("build_duration_upper_bound = build_duration + build_duration.std()", engine="python") .eval("build_duration_lower_bound = build_duration - build_duration.std()", engine="python") ) if isinstance(inspection_df.index, pd.MultiIndex): n_levels = len(inspection_df.index.levels) # compute duration stats for each group separately data = data.groupby(level=list(range(n_levels - 1)), sort=False).apply(compute_duration_stats) else: data = compute_duration_stats(data) return data.round(4)
[docs]def create_duration_box(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None, **kwargs): """Create duration Box plot.""" columns = columns if columns is not None else data.filter(regex="duration$").columns figure = data[columns].iplot( kind="box", title=kwargs.pop("title", "InspectionRun duration"), yTitle="duration [s]", asFigure=True ) return figure
[docs]def create_duration_scatter(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None, **kwargs): """Create duration Scatter plot.""" columns = columns if columns is not None else data.filter(regex="duration$").columns figure = data[columns].iplot( kind="scatter", title=kwargs.pop("title", "InspectionRun duration"), yTitle="duration [s]", xTitle="inspection ID", asFigure=True, ) return figure
[docs]def create_duration_scatter_with_bounds( data: pd.DataFrame, col: str, index: Union[list, pd.Index, pd.RangeIndex] = None, **kwargs ): """Create duration Scatter plot with upper and lower bounds.""" df_duration = ( data[[col]] .eval(f"upper_bound = {col} + {col}.std()", engine="python") .eval(f"lower_bound = {col} - {col}.std()", engine="python") ) index = index if index is not None else df_duration.index if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): index = index.levels[-1] if len(index.levels[-1]) == len(data) else np.arange(len(data)) upper_bound = go.Scatter( name="Upper Bound", x=index, y=df_duration.upper_bound, mode="lines", marker=dict(color="lightgray"), line=dict(width=0), fillcolor="rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.3)", fill="tonexty", ) trace = go.Scatter( name="Duration", x=index, y=df_duration[col], mode="lines", line=dict(color="rgb(31, 119, 180)"), fillcolor="rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.3)", fill="tonexty", ) lower_bound = go.Scatter( name="Lower Bound", x=index, y=df_duration.lower_bound, marker=dict(color="lightgray"), line=dict(width=0), mode="lines", ) data = [lower_bound, trace, upper_bound] m = df_duration[col].mean() layout = go.Layout( yaxis=dict(title="duration [s]"), xaxis=dict(title="inspection ID"), shapes=[ {"type": "line", "x0": 0, "x1": len(index), "y0": m, "y1": m, "line": {"color": "red", "dash": "longdash"}} ], title=kwargs.pop("title", "InspectionRun duration"), showlegend=False, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
[docs]def create_duration_histogram(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None, bins: int = None, **kwargs): """Create duration Histogram plot.""" columns = columns if columns is not None else data.filter(regex="duration$").columns if not bins: bins = np.max([np.lib.histograms._hist_bin_auto(data[col].values, None) for col in columns]) figure = data[columns].iplot( title=kwargs.pop("title", "InspectionRun distribution"), yTitle="count", xTitle="durations [s]", kind="hist", bins=int(np.ceil(bins)), asFigure=True, ) return figure
[docs]def query_inspection_dataframe(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame, *args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Use Wrapper around _.query method which always include `duration` columns in filter expression.""" like = kwargs.pop("like", None) regex = kwargs.pop("regex", None) if like is not None: df = inspection_df._.query(*args, like=like, regex=regex, **kwargs) if not any(df.columns.str.contains("duration")): # duration columns must be present df = df.join(inspection_df.filter(like="duration")) return df elif regex is not None: regex += "|(.*duration)" return inspection_df._.query(*args, like=like, regex=regex, **kwargs)
[docs]def make_subplots(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: List[str] = None, *, kind: str = "box", **kwargs): """Make subplots and arrange them in an optimized grid layout.""" if kind not in ("box", "histogram", "scatter", "scatter_with_bounds"): raise ValueError(f"Can NOT handle plot of kind: {kind}.") index = data.index.droplevel(-1).unique() if len(index.names) > 2: _LOGGER.warning(f"Can only handle hierarchical index of depth <= 2, got {len(index.names)}. Grouping index.") return make_subplots(group_index(data, range(index.nlevels - 1)), columns, kind=kind, **kwargs) grid = ff.create_facet_grid( data.reset_index(), facet_row=index.names[1] if index.nlevels > 1 else None, facet_col=index.names[0], trace_type="box", # box does not need data specification ggplot2=True, ) shape = np.shape(grid._grid_ref)[:-1] sub_plots = tools.make_subplots( rows=shape[0], cols=shape[1], shared_yaxes=kwargs.pop("shared_yaxes", True), shared_xaxes=kwargs.pop("shared_xaxes", False), print_grid=kwargs.pop("print_grid", False), ) if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): index_grid = zip(*index.labels) else: index_grid = iter( np.transpose([np.tile(np.arange(shape[1]), shape[0]), np.repeat(np.arange(shape[0]), shape[1])]) ) for idx, grp in data.groupby(level=np.arange(index.nlevels).tolist()): if not isinstance(columns, str) and kind == "scatter_with_bounds": if columns is None: raise ValueError("`scatter_with_bounds` requires `col` argument, not provided.") try: (columns,) = columns except ValueError: raise ValueError("`scatter_with_bounds` does not allow for multiple columns.") fig = eval(f"create_duration_{kind}(grp, columns, **kwargs)") col, row = map(int, next(index_grid)) # col-first plotting for trace in sub_plots.append_trace(trace, row + 1, col + 1) layout = sub_plots.layout layout.update( title=kwargs.get("title", fig.layout.title), shapes=grid.layout.shapes, annotations=grid.layout.annotations, showlegend=False, ) x_dom_vals = [k for k in layout.to_plotly_json().keys() if "xaxis" in k] y_dom_vals = [k for k in layout.to_plotly_json().keys() if "yaxis" in k] layout_shapes = pd.DataFrame(layout.to_plotly_json()["shapes"]).sort_values(["x0", "y0"]) h_shapes = layout_shapes[~layout_shapes.x0.duplicated(keep=False)] v_shapes = layout_shapes[~layout_shapes.y0.duplicated(keep=False)] # handle single-columns h_shapes = h_shapes.query("y1 - y0 != 1") v_shapes = v_shapes.query("x1 - x0 != 1") # update axis domains and layout for idx, x_axis in enumerate(x_dom_vals): x0, x1 = h_shapes.iloc[idx % shape[1]][["x0", "x1"]] layout[x_axis].domain = (x0 + 0.03, x1 - 0.03) layout[x_axis].update(showticklabels=False, zeroline=False) for idx, y_axis in enumerate(y_dom_vals): y0, y1 = v_shapes.iloc[idx % shape[0]][["y0", "y1"]] layout[y_axis].domain = (y0 + 0.03, y1 - 0.03) layout[y_axis].update(zeroline=False) # correct annotation to match the relevant group and width annot_df = pd.DataFrame(layout.to_plotly_json()["annotations"]).sort_values(["x", "y"]) annot_df = annot_df[annot_df.text.str.len() > 0] aw = min( # annotation width magic int(max(60 / shape[1] - (2 * shape[1]), 6)), int(max(30 / shape[0] - (2 * shape[0]), 6)) ) for i, annot_idx in enumerate(annot_df.index): annot = layout.annotations[annot_idx] index_label: Union[str, Any] = annot["text"] if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): index_axis = i >= shape[1] if shape[0] == 1: pass # no worries, the order and label are aight elif shape[1] == 1: index_label = index.levels[index_axis][max(0, i - 1)] else: index_label = index.levels[index_axis][i % shape[1]] text: str = str(index_label) annot["text"] = re.sub(r"^(.{%d}).*(.{%d})$" % (aw, aw), "\g<1>...\g<2>", text) # noqa W605 annot["hovertext"] = "<br>".join(pformat(index_label).split("\n")) # add axis titles as plot annotations layout.annotations = ( *layout.annotations, { "x": 0.5, "y": -0.05, "xref": "paper", "yref": "paper", "text": fig.layout.xaxis["title"]["text"], "showarrow": False, }, { "x": -0.05, "y": 0.5, "xref": "paper", "yref": "paper", "text": fig.layout.yaxis["title"]["text"], "textangle": -90, "showarrow": False, }, ) # custom user layout updates user_layout = kwargs.pop("layout", None) if user_layout: layout.update(user_layout) return sub_plots
[docs]def show_categories(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame): """List categories in the given inspection pd.DataFrame.""" index = inspection_df.index.droplevel(-1).unique() results_categories = {} for n, idx in enumerate(index.values):"\nClass {n + 1}/{len(index)}") class_results = {} if len(index.names) > 1: for name, ind in zip(index.names, idx):"{name} : {ind}") class_results[name] = ind else:"{index.names[0]} : {idx}") class_results[index.names[0]] = idx results_categories[n + 1] = class_results frame = inspection_df.loc[idx]"Number of rows (jobs) is: {frame.shape[0]}") return results_categories
[docs]def create_inspection_dataframes(inspection_results_dict: dict, duration_info: bool = False) -> dict: """Create dictionary with data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results' for each inspection identifier. :param inspection_results_dict: dictionary containing inspection results per inspection identifier. """ inspection_df_dict = {} columns_list = [] identifier_counter = 1 total_identifier = len(inspection_results_dict) for identifier, inspection_results_list in inspection_results_dict.items():"Analyzing inspection batch: {identifier} ({identifier_counter}/{total_identifier})") df = process_inspection_results( inspection_results_list, exclude=["build_log", "created", "inspection_id"], apply=[("created|started_at|finished_at", pd.to_datetime)], drop=False, ) inspection_df_dict[identifier] = df for c in df.columns.values: if c not in columns_list: columns_list.append(c) if duration_info: df_duration = create_duration_dataframe(df) inspection_df_dict[identifier]["job_duration"] = df_duration["job_duration"] inspection_df_dict[identifier]["build_duration"] = df_duration["build_duration"] inspections_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns_list) identifier_counter += 1 if not inspection_df_dict:"No inspections identified.") return inspection_df_dict, inspections_df _INSPECTION_PERFORMANCE_VALUES = ["stdout__@result__elapsed", "stdout__@result__rate"] # noqa N806 index = 0 for dataframe in inspection_df_dict.values(): new_df = evaluate_statistics_on_inspection_df(df=dataframe, column_names=_INSPECTION_PERFORMANCE_VALUES) inspections_df.loc[index] = new_df.iloc[0] index += 1 return inspection_df_dict, inspections_df
[docs]def evaluate_statistics_on_inspection_df(df: pd.DataFrame, column_names: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Evaluate statistics on performance values selected from Dataframe columns.""" new_data = {} for c_name in df.columns.values: if c_name in column_names: new_data[c_name] = [df[c_name].median()] else: new_data[c_name] = [df[c_name].iloc[0]] return pd.DataFrame(new_data, index=[0], columns=df.columns.values)
[docs]def create_python_package_df(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, dict]: """Create DataFrame with only python packages present in software stacks.""" python_packages_versions = {} python_packages_versions_names = [] sws_df = inspection_df[[col for col in inspection_df.columns.values if "__index" in col]] for c_name in sws_df.columns.values: if "__index" in c_name: python_packages_versions_names.append(c_name.split("__")[2]) for package in python_packages_versions_names: package_info = inspection_df[ [ col for col in inspection_df.columns.values if "".join([package, "__index"]) in col or "".join([package, "__version"]) in col ] ] for row in range(package_info.shape[0]): version = package_info.loc[row].values[1] index = package_info.loc[row].values[0] if pd.isnull(version): if package not in python_packages_versions.keys(): python_packages_versions[package] = [] python_packages_versions[package].append(("", "", "")) else: python_packages_versions[package].append(("", "", "")) else: if package not in python_packages_versions.keys(): python_packages_versions[package] = [] python_packages_versions[package].append((package, version, index)) else: python_packages_versions[package].append((package, version, index)) return pd.DataFrame(python_packages_versions), python_packages_versions
[docs]def create_final_dataframe( packages_versions: dict, python_packages_dataframe: pd.DataFrame, inspection_df: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create final dataframe with all information required for plots. :param packages_versions: dict as returned by `create_python_package_df` method. :param python_packages_dataframe: data frame as returned by `create_python_package_df` method. :param inspection_df: data frame containing data of inspections results. """ label_encoder = LabelEncoder() processed_string_result = copy.deepcopy(packages_versions) sws_encoded = [] for index, row in python_packages_dataframe.iterrows(): sws_string = "<br>".join(["".join(pkg) for pkg in row.values if pkg != ("", "", "")]) hash_object = hashlib.sha256(bytes(sws_string, "raw_unicode_escape")) hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest() sws_encoded.append([row.values, sws_string, hex_dig]) re_encoded = [] for index, row in inspection_df[ ["os_release__id", "os_release__version_id", "requirements__requires__python_version"] ].iterrows(): re_values = [re for re in row.values] re_values[2] = "".join(["py", "".join(re_values[2].split("."))]) re_string = "-".join(re_values) hash_object = hashlib.sha256(bytes(re_string, "raw_unicode_escape")) hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest() re_encoded.append([row.values, re_string, hex_dig]) # Software Stack encoding processed_string_result["packages_list"] = [pp[0] for pp in sws_encoded] processed_string_result["sws_string"] = [pp[1] for pp in sws_encoded] processed_string_result["sws_hash_id"] = [pp[2] for pp in sws_encoded] sws_hash_id_values = array([pp[2] for pp in sws_encoded]) # print(y_values) integer_sws_hash_id_values_encoded = label_encoder.fit_transform(sws_hash_id_values) processed_string_result["sws_hash_id_encoded"] = integer_sws_hash_id_values_encoded # Runtime Environment encoding processed_string_result["runtime_environment"] = [pp[0] for pp in re_encoded] processed_string_result["re_string"] = [pp[1] for pp in re_encoded] processed_string_result["re_hash_id"] = [pp[2] for pp in re_encoded] # PI processed_string_result["pi_name"] = [pi_n[0] for pi_n in inspection_df[["stdout__name"]].values] processed_string_result["pi_component"] = [pi_c[0] for pi_c in inspection_df[["stdout__component"]].values] processed_string_result["pi_sha256"] = [pi_c[0] for pi_c in inspection_df[["script_sha256"]].values] # PI performance results processed_string_result["elapsed_time"] = [r_e[0] for r_e in inspection_df[["stdout__@result__elapsed"]].values] processed_string_result["rate"] = [r_r[0] for r_r in inspection_df[["stdout__@result__rate"]].values] final_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_string_result) return final_df
[docs]def create_filtered_df( df: pd.DataFrame, pi_name: Optional[str] = None, pi_component: Optional[str] = None, runtime_environment: Optional[str] = None, packages: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str, str]]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create dataframe using the filters selected for plots.""" if not df.shape[0]:"DataFrame provided is empty, nothing can be filtered.") filters = [] if pi_name: filters.append(("pi_name", pi_name)) if pi_component: filters.append(("pi_component", pi_component)) if runtime_environment: filters.append(("re_string", runtime_environment)) if packages: for package in packages: filters.append((package[0], package)) filtered_final_df = filter_df(df, filters) if not filtered_final_df.shape[0]:"There are no results for the filters selected. Please change filters.")"Number of software stacks identified: {filtered_final_df.shape[0]}") return filtered_final_df
[docs]def filter_df(df, *args): """Filter Dataframe.""" for f in args: for k, v in f: df = df[df[k] == v] return df
[docs]def create_inspection_3d_plot(plot_df: pd.DataFrame, quantity: str, identifiers_inspections: List[str]): """Create inspection performance parameters plot in 3D. :param plot_df dataframe for plot of inspections results """ if quantity not in _PERFORMANCE_QUANTITY:"Only {_PERFORMANCE_QUANTITY} are accepted as quantity") return X = [x[0] for x in plot_df[["re_string"]].values] # noqa N806 integer_y_encoded = [y[0] for y in plot_df[["sws_hash_id_encoded"]].values] Z = [z[0] for z in plot_df[[quantity]].values] # noqa N806 trace1 = go.Scatter3d( x=X, y=integer_y_encoded, z=Z, mode="markers", hovertext=[yc[0] for yc in plot_df[["sws_string"]].values], hoverinfo="text", marker=dict( size=12, color=Z, # set color to an array/list of desired values colorscale="Viridis", # choose a colorscale opacity=0.8, showscale=True, ), name=f"PI=Conv2D-tensorflow-{identifiers_inspections}", ) data = [trace1] annotations = [] c = 0 for (x, y, z) in zip(X, integer_y_encoded, Z): annotations.append( dict( showarrow=False, x=x, y=y, z=z, text="".join(plot_df["tensorflow"].values[c]), xanchor="left", xshift=15, opacity=0.7, ) ) c += 1 margin = {"l": 0, "r": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0} layout = go.Layout( title="PI=Conv2D", margin=margin, scene=dict( xaxis=dict(title="Runtime Environment"), yaxis=dict(title="Software Stack ID integer encoded"), zaxis=dict(title=_PERFORMANCE_QUANTITY_MAP[quantity]), # annotations=annotations, ), showlegend=True, legend=dict(orientation="h"), ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) iplot(fig, filename="3d-scatter-colorscale")
[docs]def create_inspection_2d_plot( plot_df: pd.DataFrame, quantity: str, components: List[str], color_scales: List[str], identifiers_inspections: List[str], have_annotations: bool = False, ): """Create inspection performance parameters plot in 2D. :param plot_df dataframe for plot of inspections results """ integer_y_encoded = [y[0] for y in plot_df[["sws_hash_id_encoded"]].values] data = [] annotations = [] c = 0 d = 0 for component in components: name_component = component if component == "pytorch": name_component = "torch" subset_df = plot_df[plot_df["pi_component"] == component] Z = [z[0] for z in subset_df[[quantity]].values] # noqa N806 trace = go.Scatter( x=integer_y_encoded, y=Z, mode="markers", hovertext=[y[0] for y in subset_df[["sws_string"]].values], hoverinfo="text", marker=dict( size=12, color=Z, # set color to an array/list of desired values colorscale=color_scales[c], # choose a colorscale opacity=0.8, showscale=True, colorbar={"x": 1 + d}, ), name=f"{component}==version", ) data.append(trace) c += 1 d += 0.2 if have_annotations: for (yr, zr) in zip(integer_y_encoded, Z): annotations.append( dict( showarrow=False, x=yr, y=zr, text=f"{name_component}{subset_df[name_component].values[c][1]}, " + f"np{subset_df[name_component].values[c][1]}", xanchor="left", xshift=15, opacity=0.7, ) ) layout = go.Layout( title=f"PI=Conv2D-{components}-{identifiers_inspections}-2Dplot", xaxis=dict(title="Software Stack ID integer encoded"), yaxis=dict(title=_PERFORMANCE_QUANTITY_MAP[quantity]), annotations=annotations, showlegend=True, legend=dict(orientation="h", y=-0.3, yanchor="top"), ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) iplot(fig, filename="scatter-colorscale")
[docs]def create_inspection_analysis_plots(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame): """Create inspection analysis plots for the inspection pd.Dataframe. :param inspection_df: data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results' for a specific inspection identifier """ # Box plots job duration and build duration fig = create_duration_box(inspection_df, ["build_duration", "job_duration"]) py.iplot(fig) # Scatter job duration fig = create_duration_scatter(inspection_df, "job_duration", title="InspectionRun job duration") py.iplot(fig) # Scatter build duration fig = create_duration_scatter(inspection_df, "build_duration", title="InspectionRun build duration") py.iplot(fig) # Histogram fig = create_duration_histogram(inspection_df, ["job_duration"]) py.iplot(fig)
[docs]def create_inspection_parameters_dataframes( parameters: List[str], inspection_df_dict: dict, component: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Create pd.DataFrame of selected parameters from inspections results to be used for statistics and error analysis. It also outputs batches and parameters map that is necessary for plots. :param parameters: inspection parameters used in the analysis :param inspection_df_dict: dictionary with data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results' per identifier. :param component: PI component name (e.g tensorflow, pytorch). """ inspection_parameters_df_dict = {} for parameter in parameters: parameter_df = pd.DataFrame() for identifier in inspection_df_dict: additional = pd.DataFrame() current_inspection_df = inspection_df_dict[identifier] if component: filtered_inspection_df = current_inspection_df[ current_inspection_df["stdout__component"].values == component ] data = filtered_inspection_df[_INSPECTION_MAPPING_PARAMETERS[parameter]].values if not pd.isnull(data).all(): additional[identifier] = data parameter_df = pd.concat([parameter_df, additional], axis=1) else: data = current_inspection_df[_INSPECTION_MAPPING_PARAMETERS[parameter]].values additional[identifier] = data parameter_df = pd.concat([parameter_df, additional], axis=1) inspection_parameters_df_dict[parameter] = parameter_df return inspection_parameters_df_dict
[docs]def evaluate_statistics(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame, inspection_parameter: str) -> Dict: """Evaluate statistical quantities of a specific parameter of inspection results.""" std_error = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].std() / np.sqrt(inspection_df[inspection_parameter].shape[0]) std = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].std() median = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].median() q = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].quantile([0.25, 0.75]) q1 = q[0.25] q3 = q[0.75] iqr = q3 - q1 cv_mean = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].std() / inspection_df[inspection_parameter].mean() * 100 cv_median = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].std() / inspection_df[inspection_parameter].median() * 100 cv_q1 = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].std() / q1 * 100 cv_q3 = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].std() / q3 * 100 maxr = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].max() minr = inspection_df[inspection_parameter].min() return { "cv_mean": cv_mean, "cv_median": cv_median, "cv_q1": cv_q1, "cv_q3": cv_q3, "std_error": std_error, "std": std, "median": median, "q1": q1, "q3": q3, "iqr": iqr, "max": maxr, "min": minr, }
[docs]def evaluate_inspection_statistics(parameters: list, inspection_df_dict: dict, component: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """Aggregate statistical quantities per inspection parameter for inspection batches. :param parameters: inspection parameters used in the analysis :param inspection_df_dict: dictionary with data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results' per identifier """ _STATISTICAL_PARAMETERS = [ # noqa N806 "cv_mean", "cv_median", "cv_q1", "cv_q3", "std_error", "std", "median", "q1", "q3", "iqr", "max", "min", ] inspection_statistics_dict = {} for parameter in parameters: IDENTIFIER_INSPECTIONS_REDUCED = [] # noqa N806 evaluated_statistics = {} for identifier in inspection_df_dict: current_inspection_df = inspection_df_dict[identifier] if component: filtered_inspection_df = current_inspection_df[ current_inspection_df["stdout__component"].values == component ] result = evaluate_statistics( inspection_df=filtered_inspection_df, inspection_parameter=_INSPECTION_MAPPING_PARAMETERS[parameter] ) if not any(math.isnan(p) for p in result.values()): IDENTIFIER_INSPECTIONS_REDUCED.append(identifier) evaluated_statistics[identifier] = result aggregated_statistics = {} for statistical_quantity in _STATISTICAL_PARAMETERS: aggregated_statistics[statistical_quantity] = [ values[statistical_quantity] for values in evaluated_statistics.values() ] inspection_statistics_dict[parameter] = aggregated_statistics return inspection_statistics_dict, IDENTIFIER_INSPECTIONS_REDUCED
[docs]def plot_interpolated_statistics_of_inspection_parameters( statistical_results_dict: dict, identifier_inspection_list: dict, inspection_parameters: List[str], colour_list: List[str], statistical_quantities: List[str], title_plot: Optional[str] = None, title_xlabel: Optional[str] = None, title_ylabel: Optional[str] = None, save_result: bool = False, project_folder: Optional[str] = None, folder_name: Optional[str] = None, componet: Optional[str] = None, ): """Plot interpolated statistical quantity/ies of inspection parameter/s from different inspection batches.""" if len(inspection_parameters) == 1 and len(statistical_quantities) > 1: if len(colour_list) != len(statistical_quantities): _LOGGER.warning("List of statistical quantities and List of colours shall have the same length!") parameter_results = statistical_results_dict[inspection_parameters[0]] for i, quantity in enumerate(statistical_quantities): plt.plot(identifier_inspection_list, parameter_results[quantity], f"{colour_list[i]}o-", label=quantity) i += 1 if title_plot: plt.title(title_plot) elif len(inspection_parameters) > 1 and len(statistical_quantities) == 1: if len(inspection_parameters) != len(colour_list): _LOGGER.warning("List of inspection parameters and List of colours shall have the same length!") for i, parameter in enumerate(inspection_parameters): parameter_results = statistical_results_dict[parameter] plt.plot( identifier_inspection_list, parameter_results[statistical_quantities[0]], f"{colour_list[i]}o-", label=parameter, ) i += 1 plt.title(title_plot) elif len(inspection_parameters) == 1 and len(statistical_quantities) == 1: if len(colour_list) != len(statistical_quantities): _LOGGER.warning("List of statistical quantities and List of colours shall have the same length!") parameter_results = statistical_results_dict[inspection_parameters[0]] for i, quantity in enumerate(statistical_quantities): plt.plot(identifier_inspection_list, parameter_results[quantity], f"{colour_list[i]}o-", label=quantity) i += 1 plt.title(title_plot) else: _LOGGER.warning( """Combinations allowed: - single inspection parameter | single or multiple statistical quantity/ies - single or multiple inspection parameter/s | single statistical quantity """ ) if title_xlabel: plt.xlabel(title_xlabel) if title_ylabel: plt.ylabel(title_ylabel) plt.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=45) plt.legend() if save_result: if project_folder: current_path = Path.cwd() project_dir_path = current_path.joinpath(project_folder)"Creating Project folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(project_dir_path, exist_ok=True) if folder_name: new_dir_path = project_dir_path.joinpath(folder_name)"Creating sub-folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(f"{new_dir_path}/{title_plot}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") else: plt.savefig(f"{project_dir_path}/{title_plot}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") else: _LOGGER.warning("No project folder name provided!!")
[docs]def create_inspection_time_dataframe(df_inspection_batches_dict: dict, n_parallel: int = 6) -> pd.DataFrame(): """Create pd.Dataframe of time of inspections for build and job.""" tot_time_builds = [] tot_time_jobs = [] tot_time_sum_builds_and_jobs = [] for identifier, dataframe in df_inspection_batches_dict.items(): tot_time_builds.append(sum(dataframe["build_duration"]) / 3600 / n_parallel) tot_time_jobs.append(sum(dataframe["job_duration"]) / 3600 / n_parallel) tot_time_sum_builds_and_jobs.append( (sum(dataframe["build_duration"]) / 3600 / n_parallel) + (sum(dataframe["job_duration"]) / 3600 / n_parallel) ) df_time = pd.DataFrame() df_time["batches"] = list(df_inspection_batches_dict.keys()) df_time["builds_time"] = tot_time_builds df_time["jobs_time"] = tot_time_jobs df_time["tot_time"] = tot_time_sum_builds_and_jobs return df_time
[docs]def create_scatter_plots_for_multiple_batches( inspection_df_dict: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], list_batches: List[str], columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None, title_scatter: str = " ", x_label: str = " ", y_label: str = " ", ): """Create Scatter plots for multiple batches. :param inspection_df_dict: dictionary with data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results' per identifier :param list_batches: list of batches to be used for correlation analysis :param columns: parameters to be considered, taken from data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results' :param title_scatter: scatter plot name :param x_label: x label name :param y_label: y label name """ columns = columns if columns is not None else inspection_df_dict[list_batches[0]][columns].columns figure = { "data": [ { "x": inspection_df_dict[batch][columns[0]], "y": inspection_df_dict[batch][columns[1]], "name": batch, "mode": "markers", } for batch in list_batches ], "layout": {"title": title_scatter, "xaxis": {"title": x_label}, "yaxis": {"title": y_label}}, } return figure
# General functions
[docs]def create_scatter_and_correlation( data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None, title_scatter: str = "Scatter plot" ): """Create Scatter plot and evaluate correlation coefficients.""" columns = columns if columns is not None else data[columns].columns figure = data[columns].iplot( kind="scatter", x=columns[0], y=columns[1], title=title_scatter, xTitle=columns[0], yTitle=columns[1], mode="markers", asFigure=True, ) for correlation_type in ["pearson", "spearman", "kendall"]: correlation_matrix = data[columns].corr(correlation_type) _LOGGER.debug(f"\n{correlation_type} correlation results:\n{correlation_matrix}") return figure
[docs]def create_plot_multiple_batches( data: pd.DataFrame, quantity: str, plot_type: str = "box" or "hist", x_label: str = "", y_label: str = "", static: str = True, save_result: bool = False, project_folder: str = "", folder_name: str = "", ): """Create (Histogram or Box) plot using several columns of the dataframe(static as default).""" number_plots = data[quantity].shape[1]"Number of plots created: {number_plots}") if not static: if plot_type == "box": fig = data[quantity].iplot( kind="box", theme="white", title=f"{plot_type} for {quantity}", xTitle=x_label, yTitle=y_label ) if plot_type == "hist": fig = data[quantity].iplot( kind="histogram", theme="white", title=f"{plot_type} for {quantity}", xTitle=x_label, yTitle=y_label ) if save_result: _LOGGER.warning("Save figure: Not provided for interactive plot yet!!") return fig i = 0 for column_name in data[quantity].columns.values: plt.figure(i)"Creating {column_name}") px = data[quantity][column_name].plot(kind=plot_type, title=f"Histogram {quantity} for{column_name}") px.set_xlabel(x_label) px.set_ylabel(y_label) px.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=45) if save_result: if project_folder != "": current_path = Path.cwd() project_dir_path = current_path.joinpath(project_folder)"Creating Project folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(project_dir_path, exist_ok=True) if folder_name != "": new_dir_path = project_dir_path.joinpath(folder_name)"Creating sub-folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True) fig = px.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{new_dir_path}/{plot_type}_{quantity}_{column_name}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") else: fig = px.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{new_dir_path}/{plot_type}_{quantity}_{column_name}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() i += 1 return
[docs]def create_plot_from_df( data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Union[str, List[str]] = None, title_plot: str = " ", x_label: str = " ", y_label: str = " ", static: str = True, save_result: bool = False, project_folder: str = "", folder_name: str = "", scatter: bool = False, ): """Create plot using two columns of the DataFrame.""" columns = columns if columns is not None else data[columns].columns if len(columns) > 2: _LOGGER.exception("Only two columns can be used!!") if not static: mode = "lines+markers" if scatter: mode = "markers" fig = { "data": [{"x": data[columns[0]], "y": data[columns[1]], "mode": mode}], "layout": {"title": title_plot, "xaxis": {"title": x_label}, "yaxis": {"title": y_label}}, } iplot(fig) if save_result: _LOGGER.warning("Save figure: Not provided for interactive plot yet!!") return fig if scatter: px = data[columns].plot(x=columns[0], y=columns[1], title=title_plot, kind="scatter") else: px = data[columns].plot(x=columns[0], title=title_plot) px.set_xlabel(x_label) px.set_ylabel(y_label) px.tick_params(axis="x") if save_result: if project_folder != "": current_path = Path.cwd() project_dir_path = current_path.joinpath(project_folder)"Creating Project folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(project_dir_path, exist_ok=True) if folder_name != "": new_dir_path = project_dir_path.joinpath(folder_name)"Creating sub-folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True) fig = px.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{new_dir_path}/{title_plot}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") else: fig = px.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{project_dir_path}/{title_plot}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") else: _LOGGER.warning("No project folder name provided!!")
[docs]def create_multiple_violin_plot( data: pd.DataFrame, quantity: str, x_label: str = "", y_label: str = "", save_result: bool = False, project_folder: str = "", folder_name: str = "", linewidth: int = 1, ): """Create violin plot.""" i = 0 for column_name in data[quantity].columns.values: plt.figure(i)"Creating {column_name}") ax = sns.violinplot(data=data[quantity][column_name], linewidth=linewidth) ax.tick_params(axis="x") ax.set(xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, title=f"Violin plot {quantity} for{column_name}") if save_result: if project_folder != "": current_path = Path.cwd() project_dir_path = current_path.joinpath(project_folder)"Creating Project folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(project_dir_path, exist_ok=True) if folder_name != "": new_dir_path = project_dir_path.joinpath(folder_name)"Creating sub-folder (if not already created!!)") os.makedirs(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{new_dir_path}/Violin_plot_{quantity}_{column_name}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight") else: fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig( f"{project_dir_path}/Violin_plot_{quantity}_{column_name}_static.png", bbox_inches="tight" ) else: _LOGGER.warning("No project folder name provided!!") i += 1
[docs]def columns_to_analyze( df: pd.DataFrame, low: int = 0, display_clusters: bool = False, cluster_by_hue: bool = False ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Print all columns within dataframe and count of unique column values within limit. :param df: data frame to analyze as returned by `process_inspection_results' :param low: the lower limit (0 if not specified) of distinct value counts :param display_clusters: if true, displays grouped counts of parameter and parameter sort_values :param cluster_by_hue: if true, displays distribution of parameters to analyze sorted by hues """ lst_columns_to_analyze = [] high = len(df) # Groups every column by unique values"#### Columns to analyze, Unique Value Count") for i in df: try: value_count = len(df.groupby(i).count()) if (value_count >= low) and (value_count <= high): print(i, value_count) lst_columns_to_analyze.append(i) except TypeError: # Groups every column by unique values if values are in list or dict formats try: value_count = len(pd.Series(df[i].values).apply(tuple).unique()) if (value_count >= low) and (value_count <= high): print(i, value_count) lst_columns_to_analyze.append(i) except TypeError: lst_new = list(df[i].values) value_count = len([i for n, i in enumerate(lst_new) if i not in lst_new[n + 1 :]]) if (value_count >= low) and (value_count <= high): print(i, value_count) lst_columns_to_analyze.append(i) pass # Filters data frame to columns with distinct value counts within the limit df_analyze = df[lst_columns_to_analyze] if display_clusters is True:"#### Inspection result count organized by parameter + parameter values") try: for i in display_jobs_by_subcategories(df_analyze): display(i) except TypeError: pass if cluster_by_hue is True: if (low > 0) and (high < 100):"#### Distribution of parameters to analyze organized by hues") plot_subcategories_by_hues(df_analyze, df, "status__job__duration") else:"##### Parameter variance too large to plot by hue/color") # In addition to printing, function returns dataframe with results that fall within the limits return df_analyze
[docs]def display_jobs_by_subcategories(df: pd.DataFrame): """Create dataframe with job counts for each subcategory for every column in the data frame. :param df: dataframe with columns of unique value counts as returned by columns_to_analyze """ try: lst = [] # Introduce index column for job counts df = df.reset_index() for i in df.columns: created_values = query_inspection_dataframe(df, groupby=i) if not i == "index": df_inspection_id = created_values.groupby([i]).count() df_inspection_id = df_inspection_id.filter(["index", i]) lst.append(df_inspection_id) return lst except ValueError: # Error given if column values in dataframe are constant print("Some or all columns passed in are not distinct in values")
[docs]def duration_plots(df: pd.DataFrame): """Create plots for job and build duration, elapsed time, and lead time. :param df: data frame with duration information as returned by process_inspection_results """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 20)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(322) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(323) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(324) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(325) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(326) df = df.reset_index() # Create value lead_time as: created to status__job__started_at df["lead_time"] = df["status__job__started_at"].subtract(df["created"]).dt.total_seconds() df = df.sort_values(by=["created"]) # Plot job__duration from inspection results s_plot = df.plot.scatter(x="status__job__duration", y="index", c="DarkBlue", title="Job Duration", ax=ax1) s_plot.set_xlabel("status__job__duration [ms]") # Plot build__duration from inspection results s_plot = df.plot.scatter(x="status__build__duration", y="index", c="DarkBlue", title="Build Duration", ax=ax2) s_plot.set_xlabel("status__job__duration [ms]") # Plot elapsed time from inspection results df["job_log__stdout__@result__elapsed"] = df["job_log__stdout__@result__elapsed"] / 1000 s_plot = df.plot.scatter( x="job_log__stdout__@result__elapsed", y="index", c="DarkBlue", title="Elapsed Duration", ax=ax3 ) s_plot.set_xlabel("elapsed [ms]") # Plot lag plot of job duration sorted by the start of job df = df.sort_values(by=["status__job__started_at"]) pd.plotting.lag_plot(df["status__job__duration"], ax=ax4) ax4.set_title("Job Duration Autocorrelation (Sort by job_started)") # Plot lag plot of lead time sorted by job created df = df.sort_values(by=["created"]) pd.plotting.lag_plot(df["lead_time"], ax=ax5) ax5.set_title("lead_duration Autocorrelation (Sort by created)") # Plot lag plot of lead time sorted by job started df = df.sort_values(by=["status__job__started_at"]) pd.plotting.lag_plot(df["lead_time"], ax=ax6) ax6.set_title("lead_duration Autocorrelation (Sort by job_started)")
[docs]def plot_subcategories_by_hues(df_cat: pd.DataFrame, df: pd.DataFrame, column): """Create scatter plots with parameter categories separated by hues. :param df_cat: filtered dataframe with columns to analyze as returned by columns_to_analyze :param df: data frame with duration information as returned by process_inspection_results :param colum: job duration/build duration columns from 'df' """ df = df.reset_index() for i in df_cat: g = sns.FacetGrid(df, hue=i, margin_titles=True, height=5, aspect=1), column, "index", fit_reg=False, x_jitter=0.1, scatter_kws=dict(alpha=0.5)) g.add_legend()
[docs]def concatenated_df(dfs: List[pd.DataFrame], column: str): """Reorganize dataframe to show the distribution of jobs in a category across different subsets of data. :param dfs: list of inspection result dataframes which can be different datasets or subset of datasets :param column: column name or category for grouping to see the distribution of results """ lst_processed = [] for i in dfs: i = i.reset_index() df_grouping_category = i.groupby([column]).count() col_one = df_grouping_category["index"] df_col_one = pd.DataFrame(col_one) df_col_one = df_col_one.rename(index=str, columns={"index": "Total jobs:" + "{}".format(len(i))}) lst_processed.append(df_col_one) df_final = pd.concat([i for i in lst_processed], axis=1) return df_final
[docs]def summary_trace_plot(df: pd.DataFrame, df_categories: pd.DataFrame, dfs: Optional[List[pd.DataFrame]] = None): """Create trace plot scaled by percentage of compositions of each parameter separated by hues. :param df: data frame with duration information as returned by process_inspection_results :param df_categories: filtered dataframe with columns to analyze as returned by columns_to_analyze :param dfs: dataframes of clustered data (if any) appended to dataframe of entire dataset (ie: [df_left_cluster, df_right_cluster, df_duration]) """ if not dfs: dfs = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, len(df_categories.columns) * 4)) lst_df = [] for i in df_categories.columns: lst_df.append((concatenated_df(dfs, i))) lst_to_analyze = df_categories.columns count = 0 for i in range(len(df_categories.columns)): ax = fig.add_subplot(len(df_categories.columns), 1, i + 1) lst_df[count].apply(lambda x: x / x.sum()).transpose().plot(kind="bar", stacked=True, ax=ax, sharex=ax) ax.legend(title=lst_to_analyze[count], loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.7), fontsize="small", fancybox=True) count += 1
[docs]def summary_bar_plot(df: pd.DataFrame, df_categories: pd.DataFrame, clusters: List[pd.DataFrame]): """Create trace stacked plot scaled by total jobs of each parameter within clusters (if any). :param df: data frame with duration information as returned by process_inspection_results :param df_categories: filtered dataframe with columns to analyze as returned by columns_to_analyze :param clusters: list of subset dataframes with the last value in list being the entire data set """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, len(df_categories.columns) * 7)) lst_df = [] # list of dataframes, dataframe for each cluster for i in df_categories.columns: lst_df.append((concatenated_df(clusters, i))) lst_to_analyze = df_categories.columns count = 0 for i in lst_df: ax = fig.add_subplot(len(df_categories.columns), 1, count + 1) ax.set_title(lst_to_analyze[count]) colors = ["#addd8e", "#fdd0a2", "#a6bddb", "#7fcdbb"] if len(clusters) > 1: lst_cluster = [] for j in range(len(clusters) - 1): lst_cluster.append("Total jobs:{}".format(len(clusters[j]))) g = ( lst_df[count] .loc[:, lst_cluster] .plot(align="edge", kind="barh", stacked=True, color=colors, width=0.6, ax=ax) ) g = ( lst_df[count] .loc[:, ["Total jobs:{}".format(len(clusters[-1]))]] .plot(align="edge", kind="barh", stacked=False, color="#7fcdbb", width=0.3, ax=ax) ) g.legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.7), fontsize="small", fancybox=True) x_offset = 1 y_offset = -0.2 for p in g.patches: b = p.get_bbox() val = "{0:g}".format(b.x1 - b.x0) if val != "0": g.annotate(val, ((b.x1) + x_offset, b.y1 + y_offset)) count += 1
[docs]def plot_distribution_of_jobs_combined_categories( df_hardware_category: pd.DataFrame, df_duration: pd.DataFrame, df_analyze: pd.DataFrame ): """ Plot the job duration distribution for each unique hardware combination/configuration of data. :param df_hardware_category: dataframe of of parameters to analyze grouped by distinct rows :param df_duration: dataframe with duration information as returned by process_inspection_results :param df_analyze: dataframe of parameters that show variation across the clusters """ list_df_combinations = [] for i in range(len(df_hardware_category)): values = [] for j in range(len(df_hardware_category.columns) - 1): values.append((df_analyze[df_hardware_category.columns[j]] == df_hardware_category.iloc[i, j])) df_new = df_duration[np.logical_and.reduce(values)] list_df_combinations.append(df_new) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4 * len(df_hardware_category))) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.7, wspace=0.7) for i in range(len(df_hardware_category)): plt.subplot(len(df_hardware_category), 1, i + 1) g = sns.distplot(list_df_combinations[i]["status__job__duration"], kde=True) g.set_title(str(df_hardware_category.loc[i]), fontsize=6)
# Function takes in a column and prints out the feature class
[docs]def map_column_to_feature_class(column_name: str): """Use Helper function that maps a column in the original dataframe to a feature class. :param column_name: column_name in inspection_df dataframe obtained by process_inspection_results with no columns dropped (drop=False) """ # The keys are keywords to help associate each column with the corresponding feature class. software_keys = ["specification__files", "specification__packages", "specification__python__requirements"] script_keys = ["job_log__script", "job_log__stderr", "job_log__stdout", "specification__script"] hardware_keys = [ "hwinfo__cpu", "platform__architecture", "platform__machine", "platform__platform", "platform__processor", "platform__release", "platform__version", ] if any(x in column_name for x in hardware_keys): return "Hardware (ncpus + Platform + Processor)" elif any(x in column_name for x in software_keys): return "Software stack (files, python packages, python requirements)" elif "specification__base" in column_name: return "Base image" elif any(x in column_name for x in script_keys): return "Script (script + sha256 + parameters)" elif "build__requests" in column_name: return "Build request (hardware + memory)" elif "run__requests" in column_name: return "Run request (hardware + memory)" elif "build__exit_code" in column_name: return "Failure build (exit_code)" elif "job__exit_code" in column_name: return "Failure run/job (exit_code)" elif "job_log__exit_code" in column_name: return "Job Log (exit_code)" else: return "Inspection Result Info"
[docs]def process_empty_or_mutable_parameters(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame): """Process empty or mutable parameters in dataframe. These values will not work with further processing using the groupby function. Prints the unique value count of all columns that are unhashable (all such columns are constant). Drops these columns and returns a new dataframe. :param inspection_df: data frame as returned by `process_inspection_results` with no columns dropped (drop=False) """ # This is a list to populate with columns with no data or columns with unhashable data. list_of_unhashable_none_values = [] for i in inspection_df: try: value_count = len(inspection_df.groupby(i).count()) # Columns with no data if value_count == 0:, value_count) list_of_unhashable_none_values.append(i) except TypeError: # Groups every column by unique values if values are in list or dict formats try: # If values are type list checks uniqueness value_count = len(pd.Series(inspection_df[i].values).apply(tuple).unique()) list_of_unhashable_none_values.append(i), value_count) except TypeError: # If values are type dict checks uniqueness lst_new = list(inspection_df[i].values) value_count = len([i for n, i in enumerate(lst_new) if i not in lst_new[n + 1 :]]) list_of_unhashable_none_values.append(i), value_count) return inspection_df.drop(list_of_unhashable_none_values, axis=1)
[docs]def show_unique_value_count_by_feature_class(processed_df: pd.DataFrame): """Show unique count values per feature/class. Show results per feature/class that are subdivided in subclasses that map to it. :param processed_df: processed dataframe as returned by the process_empty_or_mutable_parameters """ dict_to_feature_class = {} list_of_features = [] # Iterate through dataframe and create a dictionary of dataframe column: feature class key value pairs. for i in processed_df: dict_to_feature_class[i] = map_column_to_feature_class(i) list_of_features.append(map_column_to_feature_class(i)) # Get list of distinct feature class labels (this is generalized to accomodate changes made to the label) list_of_features = set(list_of_features) # Iterate through every feature class for j in list_of_features: # Get a list of parameters that fall within the class list_of_parameters_per_feature = [] for k in dict_to_feature_class: if j == dict_to_feature_class[k]: list_of_parameters_per_feature.append(k) # Groupby to get unique value count for feature class try: group = processed_df.groupby(list_of_parameters_per_feature).size()"#### {} {}".format(j, len(group))) # Groupby to get unique value count for each dataframe column for list_params in list_of_parameters_per_feature:, len(processed_df.groupby(list_params).size())) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: _LOGGER.warning(e) _LOGGER.warning("Parameter does not have any values. Filter these out first")
[docs]def dataframe_statistics(inspection_df: pd.DataFrame, plot_title: str): """Output a data frame with relevant statistics on job duration, build duration and time elapsed. :param inspection_df: data frame to analyze as returned by `process_inspection_results' (duration [ms]) :param plot_title: title of fit plot """ # Measure of skew and kurtosis for job and build duration"#### Skew and kurtosis statistics")"Job Duration Skew: {inspection_df['status__job__duration'].skew(axis=0, skipna=True)}")"Build Duration Skew:: {inspection_df['status__build__duration'].skew(axis=0, skipna=True)}")"Job Duration Kurtosis: {inspection_df['status__job__duration'].kurt(axis=0, skipna=True)}")"Build Duration Kurtosis: {inspection_df['status__build__duration'].kurt(axis=0, skipna=True)}") # Statistics for job duration, build duration, and elapsed time"#### Duration statistics") df_stats = pd.DataFrame((inspection_df["status__job__duration"].describe())) df_stats["status__build__duration"] = inspection_df["status__build__duration"].describe() df_stats["job_log__stdout__@result__elapsed"] = ( inspection_df["job_log__stdout__@result__elapsed"] / 1000 ).describe() display(df_stats) # Plotting of job duration and build duration with fit g = sns.distplot(inspection_df["status__job__duration"], kde=True) g.set_title("Job Duration: {}".format(plot_title))"#### Job and build distribution plots, scatter plots, autocorrelation plots") plt.figure() g2 = sns.distplot(inspection_df["status__build__duration"], kde=True) g2.set_title("Build Duration: {}".format(plot_title)) plt.figure() duration_plots(df_stats)