Sieve prescription pipeline unit

Declaring pipeline units of type sieve.


The pipeline unit is registered based on should_include directive - see documentation for more info

The following example shows all the configuration options that can be applied for a sieve pipeline unit type. See respective sections described below for more info.

name: SieveUnit
type: sieve
  # See should_include section for more info.
match:                                            # Criteria to trigger run of this pipeline unit.
  package_version:                                # Any package matching this criteria will be filtered out from the resolution.
    name: flask                                   # Name of the package that should be filtered out and an alternative should be found.
    version: '>1.0,<=1.1.0'                       # Version specifier for which the sieve should be run. If not provided, defauts to any version.
    index_url: ''          # Package source index for which the sieve should be run. If not provided, defaults to any index. Can be negated using "not".
    develop: false                                # If specified, match development or not development dependencies.
  log:                                            # Optional text printed to logs when the unit gets called.
    message: Some text printed to log on pipeline unit run
    type: WARNING
  stack_info:                                     # Information printed to the recommended stack report.
  - type: WARNING
    message: Hello, world
    link:           # A link to justifications or a link to a web page.

This pipeline unit removes specific releases. If no releases remain, the resolver will try to find another resolution. If you wish to completely remove requirement on a package, check SkipPackageSieve.

Sieve match.package_version

Specifies a package version that should be matched to execute the given unit during the resolution pipeline run.

The package is described by:

  • name - name of the Python package that should be matched, any package name matched if not provided

  • version - version in a form of version specification to be matched, any version matched if not provided

  • index_url - URL of the Python package index from where the given package is consumed, matches any index if not provided; can be negated using “not”

  • develop - optional, if provided it additionally specifies if the dependency should or should not be a development dependency



name: SieveUnit
type: sieve
  adviser_pipeline: true
  - security
    index_url: ''
  - type: WARNING
    message: "Filtering out all the packages from PyPI for security reasons"
    link: ""

It is also possible to match the same pipeline unit for multiple match criteria provided by providing match listing. In that case, multiple pipeline units with different match configuration (but same run section) will be registered to the resolution pipeline:



name: SieveUnit
type: sieve
  adviser_pipeline: true
- package_version:
    name: gnumpy
- package_version:
    name: dumpy
- package_version:
    name: bumpy
- package_version:
    name: pansas
  - type: WARNING
    message: "Filtering out known typo-squatted packages"
    link: ""

Sieve run.log

Print the given message to logs if the pipeline unit is included and run.

See boot’s log that has shared semantics.

Sieve run.stack_info

See boot’s pipeline unit stack info which semantics is shared with this unit.

SkipPackage sieve prescription pipeline unit

A derived sieve type that skips a package in the dependency graph. Skipping the given package causes that the skipped dependency and the whole sub-graph of dependencies introduced by the skipped dependency is removed. This unit can be used to remove accidentally added requirements.



name: SkipPackageSieve
type: sieve.SkipPackage   # Mind the type.
   # See should_include section for more info.
   package_name: scipy
    message: Package SciPy removed from the stack
    type: WARNING

  - type: WARNING
    message: Package SciPy removed from the stack
    link: ""

All the directives from the base sieve are applicable with the same semantics also for sieve.SkipPackage. The difference is in the pipeline unit semantics; note the type to differentiate the derived type from the base sieve type.

If you wish to skip a package considering also other dependencies, check step of type step.SkipPackage.