Source code for thoth.adviser.prescription.v1.prescription

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# thoth-adviser
# Copyright(C) 2021 Fridolin Pokorny
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

"""Implementation of a prescription abstraction."""

import logging
import os
import pickle
import yaml
from itertools import chain

from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import deque
from typing import Any
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generator
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import attr

from ...exceptions import InternalError
from ...exceptions import PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError
from ...exceptions import PrescriptionSchemaError
from .add_package_step import AddPackageStepPrescription
from .boot import BootPrescription
from .gh_release_notes import GHReleaseNotesWrapPrescription
from .group import GroupStepPrescription
from .pseudonym import PseudonymPrescription
from .schema import PRESCRIPTION_SCHEMA
from .sieve import SievePrescription
from .skip_package_sieve import SkipPackageSievePrescription
from .skip_package_step import SkipPackageStepPrescription
from .step import StepPrescription
from .stride import StridePrescription
from .wrap import WrapPrescription

    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import UnitType  # noqa: F401
    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import BootType  # noqa: F401
    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import PseudonymType  # noqa: F401
    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import SieveType  # noqa: F401
    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import StepType  # noqa: F401
    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import StrideType  # noqa: F401
    from thoth.adviser.unit_types import WrapType  # noqa: F401

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class Prescription: """Dynamically create pipeline units based on inscription.""" _PRESCRIPTION_METADATA_FILE = "_prescription_metadata.yaml" _PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_NAME = "UNKNOWN" _PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_RELEASE = "UNKNOWN" _VALIDATE_PRESCRIPTION_SCHEMA = bool(int(os.getenv("THOTH_ADVISER_VALIDATE_PRESCRIPTION_SCHEMA", 1))) prescriptions = attr.ib(type=List[Tuple[str, str]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(list)) boots_dict = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(OrderedDict)) pseudonyms_dict = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(OrderedDict)) sieves_dict = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(OrderedDict)) steps_dict = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(OrderedDict)) strides_dict = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(OrderedDict)) wraps_dict = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(OrderedDict)) @property def units(self) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Iterate over units.""" yield from chain( self.boots_dict.values(), self.pseudonyms_dict.values(), self.sieves_dict.values(), self.steps_dict.values(), self.strides_dict.values(), self.wraps_dict.values(), ) @staticmethod def _validate_run_base(unit: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Validate run for a pipeline unit.""" if unit.get("run", {}).get("eager_stop_pipeline") and unit.get("run", {}).get("not_acceptable"): _LOGGER.error( "Error in unit %s (%s): Using 'eager_stop_pipeline' and 'not_acceptable' at the same " "time has undefined behavior", unit["name"], unit["type"], ) return False
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, prescriptions: str) -> "Prescription": """Validate the given prescription.""" _LOGGER.debug("Validating prescriptions schema") prescription_instance = cls.load(prescriptions) # Verify semantics of prescription. any_error = False for unit in prescription_instance.units: any_error = any_error or cls._validate_run_base(unit) for pseudonym in prescription_instance.pseudonyms_dict.values(): if pseudonym["run"]["yield"].get("yield_matched_version") and pseudonym["run"]["yield"][ "package_version" ].get("locked_version"): _LOGGER.error( "Error in unit %s (%s): Using 'yield_matched_version' together " "with 'locked_version' leads to undefined behavior", pseudonym["name"], pseudonym["type"], ) any_error = True for step in prescription_instance.steps_dict.values(): step_run = step["run"] msg = f"Error in unit {step['name']} ({step['type']})" if step_run.get("eager_stop_pipeline") and step_run.get("justification"): _LOGGER.error( "%s: Using 'eager_stop_pipeline' together with 'justification' leads to undefined behavior", msg ) any_error = True if step_run.get("not_acceptable") and step_run.get("justification"): _LOGGER.error( "%s: Using 'not_acceptable' together with 'justification' leads to undefined behavior", msg ) if step_run.get("eager_stop_pipeline") and step_run.get("score") is not None: _LOGGER.error("%s: Using 'eager_stop_pipeline' together with 'score' leads to undefined behavior", msg) any_error = True if step_run.get("not_acceptable") and step_run.get("score") is not None: _LOGGER.error("%s: Using 'not_acceptable' together with 'score' leads to undefined behavior", msg) any_error = True for wrap in prescription_instance.wraps_dict.values(): wrap_run = wrap["run"] msg = f"Error in unit {wrap['name']} ({wrap['type']})" if wrap_run.get("eager_stop_pipeline") and wrap_run.get("justification"): _LOGGER.error( "%s: Using 'eager_stop_pipeline' together with 'justification' leads to undefined behavior", msg ) any_error = True if wrap_run.get("not_acceptable") and wrap_run.get("justification"): _LOGGER.error( "%s: Using 'not_acceptable' together with 'justification' leads to undefined behavior", msg ) if any_error: raise PrescriptionSchemaError("Failed to validate prescription units, see logs reported for more info") # Drop any metadata associated to save space. for unit in prescription_instance.units: unit.pop("metadata", None) return prescription_instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, prescription: Dict[str, Any], *, prescription_instance: Optional["Prescription"] = None, prescription_name: str, prescription_release: str, ) -> "Prescription": """Instantiate prescription from a dictionary representation. If an instance is provided, a safe merge will be performed. """ try: PRESCRIPTION_SCHEMA(prescription) except Exception as exc: _LOGGER.exception( "Failed to validate schema for prescription: %s", str(exc), ) raise PrescriptionSchemaError(str(exc)) boots_dict = prescription_instance.boots_dict if prescription_instance is not None else OrderedDict() for boot_spec in prescription["units"].get("boots") or []: name = f"{prescription_name}.{boot_spec['name']}" boot_spec["name"] = name if name in boots_dict: raise PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError(f"Boot with name {name!r} is already present") boots_dict[boot_spec["name"]] = boot_spec pseudonyms_dict = prescription_instance.pseudonyms_dict if prescription_instance else OrderedDict() for pseudonym_spec in prescription["units"].get("pseudonyms") or []: name = f"{prescription_name}.{pseudonym_spec['name']}" pseudonym_spec["name"] = name if name in pseudonyms_dict: raise PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError(f"Pseudonym with name {name!r} is already present") pseudonyms_dict[pseudonym_spec["name"]] = pseudonym_spec sieves_dict = prescription_instance.sieves_dict if prescription_instance else OrderedDict() for sieve_spec in prescription["units"].get("sieves") or []: name = f"{prescription_name}.{sieve_spec['name']}" sieve_spec["name"] = name if name in sieves_dict: raise PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError(f"Sieve with name {name!r} is already present") sieves_dict[sieve_spec["name"]] = sieve_spec steps_dict = prescription_instance.steps_dict if prescription_instance else OrderedDict() for step_spec in prescription["units"].get("steps") or []: name = f"{prescription_name}.{step_spec['name']}" step_spec["name"] = name if name in steps_dict: raise PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError(f"Step with name {name!r} is already present") steps_dict[step_spec["name"]] = step_spec strides_dict = prescription_instance.strides_dict if prescription_instance else OrderedDict() for stride_spec in prescription["units"].get("strides") or []: name = f"{prescription_name}.{stride_spec['name']}" stride_spec["name"] = name if name in strides_dict: raise PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError(f"Stride with name {name!r} is already present") strides_dict[stride_spec["name"]] = stride_spec wraps_dict = prescription_instance.wraps_dict if prescription_instance else OrderedDict() for wrap_spec in prescription["units"].get("wraps") or []: name = f"{prescription_name}.{wrap_spec['name']}" wrap_spec["name"] = name if name in wraps_dict: raise PrescriptionDuplicateUnitNameError(f"Wrap with name {name!r} is already present") wraps_dict[wrap_spec["name"]] = wrap_spec if prescription_instance: # Adjust release info at the end once successful. prescription_meta = (prescription_name, prescription_release) if prescription_meta not in prescription_instance.prescriptions: prescription_instance.prescriptions.append(prescription_meta) return prescription_instance return cls( boots_dict=boots_dict, pseudonyms_dict=pseudonyms_dict, sieves_dict=sieves_dict, steps_dict=steps_dict, strides_dict=strides_dict, wraps_dict=wraps_dict, prescriptions=[(prescription_name, prescription_release)], )
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Check if no prescription units are loaded.""" return ( not self.boots_dict and not self.pseudonyms_dict and not self.sieves_dict and not self.steps_dict and not self.strides_dict and not self.wraps_dict )
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, *prescriptions: str) -> "Prescription": """Load prescription from files or from their YAML representation.""" queue = deque([(p, cls._PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_NAME, cls._PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_RELEASE) for p in prescriptions]) prescription_instance = Prescription() while queue: prescription, prescription_name, prescription_release = queue.popleft() if os.path.isfile(prescription): if prescription.endswith((".yaml", ".yml")): _LOGGER.debug("Loading prescriptions from %r", prescription) with open(prescription, "r") as config_file: try: prescription_instance = cls.from_dict( yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.CLoader), prescription_instance=prescription_instance, prescription_name=prescription_name, prescription_release=prescription_release, ) except Exception: _LOGGER.error("Failed to load prescription from %r", prescription) raise elif prescription.endswith(".pickle"): _LOGGER.debug("Loading prescriptions from %r", prescription) with open(prescription, "rb") as fp: prescription_instance = pickle.load(fp) for prescription_info in prescription_instance.prescriptions: "Loaded prescriptions %r in version %r", prescription_info[0], prescription_info[1] ) else: _LOGGER.debug("Skipping file %r: not a YAML nor Pickle file", prescription) continue elif os.path.isdir(prescription): prescription_metadata_file_path = os.path.join(prescription, cls._PRESCRIPTION_METADATA_FILE) if os.path.isfile(prescription_metadata_file_path): with open(prescription_metadata_file_path) as f: _LOGGER.debug("Loading prescription metadata file %r", prescription_metadata_file_path) metadata = yaml.safe_load(f) prescription_name = metadata.get("prescription", {}).get("name", cls._PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_NAME) if prescription_name == cls._PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_NAME: _LOGGER.warning("No prescription name parsed from %r", prescription_metadata_file_path) prescription_release = metadata.get("prescription", {}).get( "release", cls._PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_RELEASE ) if prescription_release == cls._PRESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_RELEASE: _LOGGER.warning("No prescription release parsed from %r", prescription_metadata_file_path)"Using prescriptions %r release %r", prescription_name, prescription_release) for file_ in os.listdir(prescription): if file_ == cls._PRESCRIPTION_METADATA_FILE: continue if file_.startswith("."): _LOGGER.debug("Skipping hidden file or directory %r", file_) continue queue.append((os.path.join(prescription, file_), prescription_name, prescription_release)) else: # Passed using string. prescription_instance = cls.from_dict( yaml.safe_load(prescription), prescription_instance=prescription_instance, prescription_name=prescription_name, prescription_release=prescription_release, ) if prescription_instance.is_empty(): raise InternalError("No prescription loaded") return prescription_instance
@staticmethod def _iter_units(unit_class: Type["UnitType"], units: Dict[str, Any]) -> Generator[Type["UnitType"], None, None]: """Iterate over units registered.""" for prescription in units.values(): unit_class.set_prescription(prescription) yield unit_class
[docs] def iter_boot_units(self) -> Generator[Type["BootType"], None, None]: """Iterate over prescription boot units registered in the prescription supplied.""" return self._iter_units(BootPrescription, self.boots_dict)
[docs] def iter_pseudonym_units(self) -> Generator[Type["PseudonymType"], None, None]: """Iterate over prescription pseudonym units registered in the prescription supplied.""" return self._iter_units(PseudonymPrescription, self.pseudonyms_dict)
[docs] def iter_sieve_units(self) -> Generator[Type["SieveType"], None, None]: """Iterate over prescription sieve units registered in the prescription supplied.""" for prescription in self.sieves_dict.values(): if prescription["type"] == "sieve": SievePrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield SievePrescription elif prescription["type"] == "sieve.SkipPackage": SkipPackageSievePrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield SkipPackageSievePrescription else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown sieve pipeline unit type: {prescription['type']!r}")
[docs] def iter_step_units(self) -> Generator[Type["StepType"], None, None]: """Iterate over prescription step units registered in the prescription supplied.""" for prescription in self.steps_dict.values(): if prescription["type"] == "step": StepPrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield StepPrescription elif prescription["type"] == "step.SkipPackage": SkipPackageStepPrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield SkipPackageStepPrescription elif prescription["type"] == "step.AddPackage": AddPackageStepPrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield AddPackageStepPrescription elif prescription["type"] == "step.Group": GroupStepPrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield GroupStepPrescription else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown step pipeline unit type: {prescription['type']!r}")
[docs] def iter_stride_units(self) -> Generator[Type["StrideType"], None, None]: """Iterate over prescription stride units registered in the prescription supplied.""" return self._iter_units(StridePrescription, self.strides_dict)
[docs] def iter_wrap_units(self) -> Generator[Type["WrapType"], None, None]: """Iterate over prescription stride units registered in the prescription supplied.""" for prescription in self.wraps_dict.values(): if prescription["type"] == "wrap": WrapPrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield WrapPrescription elif prescription["type"] == "wrap.GHReleaseNotes": GHReleaseNotesWrapPrescription.set_prescription(prescription) yield GHReleaseNotesWrapPrescription else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown wrap pipeline unit type: {prescription['type']!r}")