Dependency Monkey¶
This document discusses Dependency Monkey design in project Thoth. Dependency Monkey is a tool which aims to automatically verify software stacks and aggregate relevant observations into Thoth’s knowledge database.
Dependency Monkey use cases¶
Dependency Monkey was designed to automate the evaluation of certain aspects of a software stack, such as code quality or performance. Two main aspects will be derived from software stacks as observations. Observations are currently consumed by Thoth for its recommendations/advises:
Does the given software build on a given operating system on the targeted hardware (if any hardware requirements such as specific CPU are provided for builds)?
What are runtime characteristics of the given software stack on targeted hardware (if requested a specific one, any hardware available is used to test the software stack). An example of runtime characteristics could be performance indicators or indicators such as accuracy in case of math libraries.
Dependency Monkey architecture design and overview¶
Dependency Monkey is made out of multiple parts used in the project Thoth:
Management API (optional)
Dependency Monkey job (see this repo sources)
Inspection builds and inspection jobs (generated by Amun API)
Example Use of Dependency Monkey¶
To illustrate Dependency Monkey use, let’s create a fictional use case. A first
interaction point can be /dependency-monkey/python
endpoint exposed on
Thoth’s Management API service (there is currently supported only Python
ecosystem). This endpoint accepts input from a user which is in the form of a
software stack that should be validated. The software stack input is compatible
with Pipfile
as produced by Pipenv that
can assign different package indexes to packages so dependency monkey can
verify Python packages across different Python package indexes.
Besides software stack, the mentioned dependency-monkey endpoint accepts a base
image that should be used for software stack validation and verification.
Currently, supported distributions span across those using dnf
, yum
for native packages. There can be optionally passed a list of native
packages that should be installed into the given base image on build time (for
example Pipenv
for testing Pipenv
provided in Fedora as an rpm).
Optionally a URL or a script can be passed and will be used to validate the
given software stack (scripts output a JSON - see this example).
See OpenAPI specification of Management API to see all the possible
Once the dependency-monkey endpoint is triggered with the requested input, a “Dependency Monkey” job is created in one of the Thoth’s namespaces reserved for Dependency Monkey runs (pre-allocated pool of resources).
Amun is a service that is capable of building software stacks considering the base container image and native packages that are requested to be installed. This procedure is done in the build inspection jobs triggered by Amun API in inspection namespace with resources dedicated for inspection runs. OpenShift builds and image streams were reused for building resulting container images.
If a user supplies a test script, an inspection job is created. The job’s goal is to verify the given software stack. The very first step done by the inspection job is athering hardware information about runtime hardware present (and other node-specific characteristics, such as kernel version). The inspection job after that executes user provided script (e.g. a Python script) in the given environment and gathers all the relevant information in a form of a JSON object (e.g. standard error, standard output, script’s status code) - these information are called inspection job reports.
The video above demonstrates a use of Amun service. Refer to thoth-station/amun-api repo for more info._.
These reports are gathered by a job triggered by Argo Workflows and placed onto Ceph as JSON documents. Besides that, results are gathered, parsed and observations are feeded into the knowledge database where these observations are used by Thoth’s recommendation engine to recommend high quality software stacks based on gathered observations.
The video above demonstrates a use of Dependency Monkey which submits inspections to Amun. Amun uses Argo Workflows to verify the software stack quality.